Tag: People

+ Would you like to share with us your life story? If this sounds a good idea, then answer our interview questions and send them to IdeaDeco team.

Do you want to tell us your story?

Would you like to share with us your life story? If this sounds like a good idea, then answer our interview questions and send them to IdeaDeco team.

+ 12 March 2019 Celebrations for the web 30th birthday

30th Anniversary of the World Wide Web

On 12 March 1989 the World Wide Web said Hello for the very first time. Happy birthday www! We all thank you, Sir Tim Berners-Lee! #ForTheWeb #Web30

+ Dimitris Katris Interview

Dimitris Katris Interview

Dimitris Katris talks about Social Media, Fashion and Atelier Tsourani Wedding Dresses

Martin Luther King Day

The idea of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday was promoted by labor unions in contract negotiations

Power of a Box

After World War II, the original CARE Package harnessed the power of generosity in a box. It changed the world by delivering food that relieved suffering across a devastated Europe.

+ Get feedback to get strong!

Get feedback to get stronger

All kinds of beneficial criticism and feedback can help us to grow and improve ourselves.

The Power of Seduction

Digital Marketing Experts & Luxury Brands Are Re-Discovering The Fine Art Of Seduction

+ Επειδή όμως η αγένεια δεν έχει επιπτώσεις, έφτασε να γίνει δεύτερη φύση στην ελληνική κοινωνία σε τέτοιο βαθμό, που συχνά όταν αντιδράς και οριοθετείς τα προσχήματα καταλήγεις να είσαι εσύ ο «γερο-παράξενος» της ιστορίας!

Μαγκιά είναι να είσαι ευγενής!

Oταν αντιδράς και οριοθετείς τα προσχήματα καταλήγεις να είσαι εσύ ο «γερο-παράξενος» της ιστορίας!

+ Mobile Health Apps

Mobile Health Apps: Much to Consider — The Pulse

Apps and Downs in Health with a little help of digital technology

+ How close are you with your best friend?

21 Undeniable Signs You And Your BFF Are Basically An Old Married Couple — Thought Catalog

How close are you with your best friend?

+ Let's meet the people who designed the new Facebook's Emoji

The Designers of Facebook’s Emoji

Need tons of pure talent, inspiration, dreaming hearts and countless human hours to create a digital reaction.