Linked Super Powers

We found which company is behind the top LinkedIn profiles and company pages. is responsible for major makeovers for many leading accounts into LinkedIn network.

What they actually do?

IdeaDeco: How do you make these astonishing profiles?

Linkedsuperpowers: We maximise your LinkedIn profile using advanced LinkedIn SEO (LinkedIn profile optimization service), ace copywriting (LinkedIn profile writing service by our professional LinkedIn profile writers), professional design and our pioneering superpower hacks that will turn you from a ‘maybe’ into a ‘must-see’.

Our LinkedIn writing service also involves the makeover of company profiles so that, no matter what size your business is, it’ll punch well above its weight. Though we’re not affiliated with LinkedIn, our ability to optimise your presence and enhance your reputation can help grow your business faster (see our 365+ testimonials).

IdeaDeco: How do you give a professional edge?

Linkedsuperpowers: A LinkedIn profile makeover by a LinkedIn profile consultant of LINKEDSUPERPOWERS gives you a professional edge by:

  • Giving you greater visibility in LinkedIn searches.
  • Building your trustworthiness and reputation.
  • Differentiating with our LinkedIn profile service, you so recruiters notice you before the competition.
  • Increasing your appeal to potential prospects and collaborators, due to the fact that your LinkedIn profile will be crafted by a LinkedIn expert (professional LinkedIn consultant and a professional LinkedIn profile writer).

The Dream Team

Dennis Koutoudis

CEO / Founder

Dennis is an internationally recognized LinkedIn™ Profile Makeover Specialist – Featured on The Huffington Post, CNN iReport, Entrepreneur. Dennis is responsible for the growth of LinkedSuperPowers.


Research Team

Market / Competitor / Prospect Research

The Research Team utilises its expertise and invests alot of time and effort, researching the industry, competitors and ideal prospects of our clients, among several other factors.

Writing Team

Professional Writing

The Writing Team crafts the LinkedIn Summaries & Headlines of our customers, as well as goes through their LinkedIn Profiles in order to ensure the strategic use of words which will prompt their prospects to action.

SEO Team

LinkedIn (SEO)

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Team optimizes the LinkedIn Profiles of their clients with targeted keywords as well as implements various LinkedIn SEO techniques in order to help get them found more frequently by their target prospects.

Art Team

Professional Design

Their Art Team designs the Background Image, as well as enhances the profile image of their customers’ LinkedIn Profiles / Company Pages.

Content Marketing Team

Content Marketing

With years of experience generating top quality content, their Content Creators shape the content marketing efforts of LinkedSuperPowers and its corporate clients.


Find more about LinkedSuperPowers








Social Media Followers 1900423

LinkedIn Followers 43425

Featured on Forbes

LinkedIn Recommendations 366



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