This is the true story about the growth of our Newsletter during the years. For sure no app or any paid promotion has helped us to gain more subscribers.

To make it clear: I am using Mailchimp since 2016. I have tried all kinds of “success formulas” from many super famous digital marketers and the results were devasting. What really worked?

Word of Mouth

As simple as that!

Every single time I am participating in a workshop, seminar, business meeting, webinar, presentation, or even a trip for pleasure, my verbal call to action is this: “you can visit my website or my newsletter for more interesting tips.”

And most people actually do!

Most people like this approach because you have already been connected and have seen things eye to eye, up to a certain level. That common ground is the starting point of genuine engagement… You know this warm feeling when you go that extra mile and you offer something really helpful?

That’s the hook of connectivity between strangers. Generosity and kindness. Give a tip of your knowledge for free. Make your skills useful to others. When you really share a moment of communication with others usually they want to keep this feeling alive, so they go ahead and sign up.

I have paid huge numbers for social media ads and google advertisements at the beginning of my effort to build a solid newsletter list. Going from 100 to 500 subscribers seemed like an expensive walk through hell.

After the first six months, I just stopped spending my money on paid promo actions. Started to show up in volunteering positions for educational events close to my business field. Gradually people started to signup for my newsletter and their recommendations lead others to follow my newsletter.

Before the end of 2016, more than 2500 people were receiving my monthly newsletter. Since then we have reached (organically) the astonishing number of 33.112 subscribers. You may say that this number it’s not that impressive but please think again.

Can you make people follow your digital voice without spending even one dollar in advertising activities?

Spoiler: Apart from the Mailchimp subscription, I haven’t spent any ad-related money since the first half of 2016 until this day. And new subscribers keep coming every single day.

Here is the secret: work to earn people’s respect not just their attention.

Feel free to visit Ideadeco newsletter for many useful tips. Check us out!

1 Comment on “The Power of Word of Mouth in Email Marketing

  1. Pingback: How Ideadeco Newsletter Reached 50.268 Subscribers

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