Are you trying to define what are the main characteristics of professionalism? We asked 200 people from different industries and now we have the answer.

Ethics and Honesty

These are the most important ones. Even more than competence, knowledge, conscientiousness, emotional intelligence, appropriateness, and confidence.

In all industries, the most valuable characteristics are honesty and ethics. Professionals that are honest, evenhanded and authentic tend to receive more respect both from clients and colleagues. Having these makes it easier to become a trustworthy name among your peers. To stand out for a great character is priceless and most companies value their official code of ethics more than any other skill. It is common to find a similar code of ethics in freelance professionals.

Behave Morally and Ethically

Professionals know that even if there isn’t any official book of written code of ethics in some industries, an unwritten code of ethics does exist. For serious professionals, there is no debate upon the matter of morality and ethics. You should display ethical behavior at all times and protect the main human rights at all costs. Presenting the best behavior, showing a respectful & lawful attitude to everyone you do business with separates the professionals from the non-professionals.

Responsibility and Dependability

Knowing that you have a person in your team whom you can depend on 100% to deliver any goal is a proven factor of professionalism. Acting responsibly and fairly under all circumstances can impact the way other people treat you. Responsible professionals earn the trust of their clients and have an open dialogue with them. Doing your job as it should be done, solves many issues and builds healthy relationships with your clients and colleagues.

Honor your words

Deliver what you promised. Do what you said. Act as if you have a signed contract for everything you have promised. As a professional, your words should be solid as a rock. Responding accordingly in all situations. Be on time, follow the schedule and deliver all your commitments.

Be Structured and Organized

There is no question about how important it is to be extremely organized and neat in your work. Stick to your monthly schedule and keep all your professional appointments to the point. Never waste your time and your client’s time!

Own your Mistakes

Experienced professionals know that they are accountable for all their actions. There will be occasions where mistakes will happen. Bite the bullet, own your mistakes, fix it if you can, and move to the next step. Blaming others for your mistakes screams “unprofessionalism” from miles away!

Confidence and Commitment

The personal commitment to do any job the best way you can without any exterior pressure is by definition a sign of professionalism. A professional can perform and do his/her part of the job even if he/she is not in the mood to do it.

Acting professionally means that you can perform at your very best even on a bad day.

This kind of commitment gradually builds a reputation as an excellent professional in your industry. In many cases, I have met professionals whose reputation precedes them and opens the doors when it’s positive. This characteristic goes with deep confidence & self-respect.

Knowing that a person can cope with any challenge and learn the ropes in a blink of an eye, it gives a huge boost to personal and professional growth. When a person is driven by trust, confidence and dependability are most likely to pass these to the clients and company culture. It is no secret that confidence nurtures success and growth.

In the business world, skills are good but character and ethics are better – Areti Vassou

Always be the better person in the room

Invest in your continuous improvement. Becoming an expert in your field will need a lot of time and effort. Attend seminars, courses, workshops, read books, participate in events, engage in conversations with your industry top names, and push yourself to learn more. Try to expand your skills above your preset market area and adopt the changes. Spend time with younger people that have a new perspective for the market needs.

Good Manners Matter

To make it clear being confident doesn’t mean being cocky. It’s a fine line that people tend to forget, quite easily. When you are interacting with other people always be polite and well-spoken.

A straight posture and a friendly smile help establish a professional presence without too much effort. Professionals speak politely and make eye contact when communicating. They maintain a relaxed voice and stay calm under pressure. Especially during tough situations or when making high-pressure decisions.

Maintain your good manners when things are getting out of hand.

Train yourself to keep calm under stressful situations. Remember that real challenges unveil fake people. Body language and facial expressions can deliver unwanted messages, so be sure that you are on top of these.

Good manners apply to written communication in all forms. Emails, digital messages, comments, social media interaction, and through your business website or blog act & react as if you have the person in front of you. Find the right tone and stick to that, not too cold formal but also not too friendly.

Phone communication does have etiquette that you should respect. Never pick up the phone after working hours and never bother any client for a business matter after 17:00. It’s one of the most unprofessional traits that can ruin your good name in the market.

Respect people’s privacy

When you call a person always introduce yourself by your full name, company, and title. Don’t be too aggressive, don’t dominate the conversation, and listen to the other person carefully. When they call you, return calls in a timely manner. Always follow up on any actions you agree to during a conversation.

Dress to Impress

Life has taught many of us that professionalism starts from appearance. Choose outfits that agree with your body, age, and position in the industry. Proper wardrobe, hygiene, and grooming are basic qualities of professionals. Be sure to meet the requirements of your industry’s dress code, and pay special attention to your appearance when meeting with clients.

Let’s wrap it up

All professionals who participated in our research agreed to the following characteristics that set who is an authentic pro:

  1. Being exceptional good at what you do
  2. People can depend on you
  3. Tell the truth
  4. Have integrity
  5. Respect others
  6. Seek out ways to improve
  7. Have an optimistic attitude
  8. Support others
  9. Separate work from personal life
  10. Listen to people

Every day, the demands are changing for all industries. But these characteristics have remained the same for decades. In the SEO & Digital Marketing field, professionals are in high demand. More companies are looking for freelancers that have all the above next to the technical skills. So be aware of the way you behave because news travels fast in today’s always-connected world.

A good reputation takes years to build and only a second to vanish. Stay at the top of your industry not only for your good performance at work but also for your ethics. In the world of Digital Marketing, Content Creation, Blogging, and SEO many companies reach out to ask me for recommendations, and the first question usually is: Do you trust this person?

Give me a good reason to respond “Yes!”

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