Treat your Instagram account as a form of blogging and business branding. Only when you are ready to answer the following questions then you will have a solid idea of what to do next:

  • What will be the main topics you are going to post about?
  • Why do you want to run an Instagram account?
  • Which needs/queries you will cover?

These three questions are essential to help you build an Instagram clear identity and gradually build your own personal brand.

If you are launching a new Instagram account make it a priority to define your identity & personal voice from scratch. When you have a clear vision why your Instagram exists then your future followers will find it easier to connect with you.

Be Real

Do you think it’s easy to be real on Instagram? No, it isn’t. There are millions of new posts every day and 90% of them have this super glamorous look & feel. You will see them get thousands of likes within the first minutes but… all these accounts are almost the same. The other 10% of posts tend to get fewer likes but the engagement is huge. Real people leave an actual comment and they have a real conversation. That’s the Holy Grail of social media communication: real conversation and real engagement. Go for it!

Learn how to use Hashtags

All users know that Instagram Community adores hashtags. But always use the right group of hashtags for your content. Instagram is all about engagement. Great captures combined with high-quality and meaningful text with a healthy dose of the right hashtags. If you want to discover what can help your Instagram account to thrive then visit this article: Instagram Winning Tips.

Define Your Instagram Identity
Define Your Instagram Identity

Keep your Instagram Hashtags clean

Yes, there is a list of never-use-banned Instagram hashtags that you should avoid if you don’t want to get penalized by Instagram. The bad news is that this list is changing every week. The good news is that you can check your hashtags before you add them to your IG feed.

Although banned Instagram hashtags mean extra work for each post, in general, I find it a clever way to restrict spam behavior inside the platform.  Here is the updated list of banned Instagram hashtags.

Instagram Inspiration

We all have been there, facing our Instagram feed without any new ideas for captivating posts. Here is a list of Instagram post ideas from our Content Strategy. Enjoy them!

Last month our Instagram engagement reached a new record. We received many private messages and had the pleasure to close some of the best business collaborations for this year. This is a valuable lesson of what really matters in social media.

Don’t worry about how many likes you have or how many new followers you gained. Focus mainly on the engagement interaction, how many people actually comment, save, and send you a message for a business request.

2 Comments on “Define Your Instagram Identity

  1. Pingback: Instagram Growth Tips Worth Trying

  2. Pingback: Instagram Banned Hashtags Must-Known Secrets

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